E2.10 - Eggstraction Bot

Autonomous Egg Retrieval Bot

Sponsor: Ingram School of Engineering    
Student Team: Hunter Chopskie, Jake Helpinstill, Carson Holland, Aaron Luna     
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Jeffrey Stevens

E2.10 Logo
E2.10 Logo

Our product is an autonomous robot car that is tasked with locating and transporting plastic eggs. A user will select a desired color egg, and the robot will fetch the correct color, transporting it to its destination. The robot will navigate the playing field, using a camera module, an array of sensors, a gripper attachment, and communication between two processors to accomplish its task.

E2.10 Presentation

Video not playing? You can also view our presentation by clicking the link below!

E2.10 Project Presentation

E2.10 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

E2.10 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Hunter Chopskie, hjc50@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Jeffrey Stevens, rwn24@txstate.edu

E1.09 Team Photo
From left to right (Hunter Chopskie, Jake Helpinstill, Carson Holland, Aaron Luna)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E2.10 Evaluation Form