M2.01 - Large Format Printer

Refurbishing and optimizing a large format printer.

Sponsor: Ingram Hall Makerspace (IHM)  
Student Team: Maggie Morton, Brandon McLaughlin, and Olivia Renner   
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson

M2.01 Logo
M2.01 Logo

The Ingram School of Engineering at Texas State University is home to a valuable asset: a large format 3-D printer that, unfortunately, has remained dormant in storage. However, this 3-D printer holds tremendous potential as a cornerstone of the Ingram Hall Makerspace, an integral extension of the School of Engineering. Bringing this printer back into operation and enhancing its functionality represents a crucial opportunity for the university to reclaim a significant investment currently lying fallow. Revitalizing this printer is not merely about salvaging equipment; it's about restoring a vital resource to the university community. By refurbishing and optimizing this technology, we're not only reclaiming an expensive but idle asset, but we're also enriching the learning environment within the Ingram School of Engineering. Moreover, by making this large format printer accessible, we're offering an unparalleled experience to those eager to explore its capabilities. This project's completion is essential not just for reclaiming lost value, but for unlocking new avenues of innovation and learning within our engineering community.

M2.01 Presentation

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M2.01 Project Presentation

M2.01 Poster Pitch

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

M2.01 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

Team Project Manager: Maggie Morton, mjm482@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Davidson, j_d411@txstate.edu

M2.01 Team Photo
From left to right (Brandon McLaughlin, Maggie Morton, Olivia Renner)

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: M2.01 Evaluation Form