E1.01 - Lords of Synth

Battery-Powered 1V/Octave Analog Synthesizer

Sponsor: Texas State University & Dr. Richard Compeau
Student Team: Jacob Sees, Claire Akers, Miles Keyser, Charles Morales
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Compeau

Lords of Synth

Ultimately, the product constructed will be a 1 Volt per Octave battery powered analog synthesizer. The synthesizer will be able to output several different waveforms within the fourth octave defined by the twelve-tone equal temperament. Additionally, the synthesizer will be capable of accepting control voltage from an external keyboard and will be playable through an external speaker.

E1.01 Poster Presentation

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!
E1.01 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

E1.01 Group Photo From left to right (Jacob Sees, Miles Keyser, Claire Akers, Charles Morales)

Team Project Manager: Jacob Sees, jes316@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard Compeau , crc194@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: E1.01 Evaluation Form