M1.02 - Optimization of the Concrete Wheel Stop Manufacturing Process

Increasing production for Roadway Striping Inc.

Sponsor: Michael Hathaway
Student Team: Stephen C. Marines, Sergio M. Sepulveda, Nathaniel G. Lazaga
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers


The project assigned to this Senior Design team is based on the production of concrete wheel stops to meet high demands. Roadway Striping Inc. initially started as a striping company, creating parking lot layouts and striping pavements for local businesses. Roadway Striping originally sourced the wheel stops from an external supplier, however, focus turned on creating these in-house to reduce costs. Demand for wheel stops continues to increase, creating the need for a more efficient and effective method of their production.

M1.02 Poster Presentation

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

M1.02 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

M1.02 Group Photo From left to right (Stephen C Marines, Nathaniel Lazaga, Sergio Sepulveda)

Team Project Manager: Stephen Marines, s_m154@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers, ms1824@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: M1.02 Evaluation Form