M1.04 - 31 Degrees

Design & fabricate an enclosure to house a scale

Sponsor: Mr. Wes Lange, Dr. Patrick Thomas
Student Team: Clint Walker, Nicholas Grames, Austin Woods
Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers

31 Degrees

31 Degrees owns a fleet of margarita dispensing machines and margarita mix holding tanks. This multidisciplinary project will make an iOS app with an operational dashboard that shows information about how full each tank is in real time, along with more data. To retrieve this data, the teams will make a weight scale and convert the weight of the tank into number of gallons, and then into how full the tank is in percent. The Manufacturing Sub-Team is primarily responsible for designing, prototyping, and fabricating an enclosure to be used for housing the circuitry of the scale, as well as any brackets or supports to ensure that the electrical components are secured within the enclosure. The manufacturing team is also responsible for designing a quick-disconnect temperature sensor port in a representative tank.

M1.04 Poster Presentation

To view a PDF file of our poster, click the link below!

M1.04 Poster.pdf

Team Contact Information

M1.04 Group Photo left to right (Austin Woods, Clint Walker, Nicholas Grames)

Team Project Manager: Clint Walker, caw233@txstate.edu

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Mark Summers, ms1824@txstate.edu

Let us know what you think! You can evaluate our project here: M1.04 Evaluation Form